



quality management system, general quality management, system approach, synergetic approach


The article highlights the methodological basis of the higher education quality management system. The problems of quality management in modern scientific research have been revealed. The analysis of the competitive advantages of priorities in the industry and the provision of services in the field of higher education has been carried out.
The comprehensive quality management (TQM) as a methodological basis for the quality of higher education has been analyzed in detail. The main tasks that TQM should solve, a set of methodological tools that should accompany it, and its basic principles have been covered.
The components of the overall quality management have been considered in the context of the synergetic approach.
The relevance of the Deming cycle to the functioning of the quality management system of higher education has been proved. The principles of the use of the Deming cycle and the peculiarities of its implementation in the quality management system in the field of higher education have been presented.
It has been proved that the application of the basic principles and components of the overall quality management (TCM) to the development of the quality management system of higher education, in particular through the introduction of innovations into the educational process, enables a continuous quality planning, quality management, a continuous quality control and its improvement in the field of higher education.
The higher education quality management system has been highlighted in the context of the concept and main provisions of the systemic and synergistic approaches. It has been proved that the interpretation of the quality management system as an open, non-linear system capable of self-organization, leads to the advantages of TQM over traditional quality management. A comparative analysis of the open system of quality management based on TQM and the traditional quality management system of higher education has been done.
It has been proved that the practical implementation of the quality management system will positively affect the organizational, market and financial strategy for the formation of long-term competitive advantages in the field of higher education.

Author Biographies

Nina Batechko, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony Street, 15, 03042, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics

Mykola Lut, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroyiv Oborony Street, 15, 03042, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department of Power Supply named after prof. V. M.


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Abstract views: 332



How to Cite

Batechko, N., & Lut, M. (2018). HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT. OSVITOLOHIYA, (7), 145–151. https://doi.org/10.28925/2226-3012.2018.7.145151



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